How do JITs work?

Earlier today, for whatever reason, I was struck with the idea of writing my own JIT – not rewriting V8 for Javascript or anything like that. I just wanted to see if I could translate my abstract understanding of how a JIT works into reality. So I gave it a shot and pushed it to Github, calling it Tinyjit.

Author's profile picture Richard Belleville on programming, systems programming, and software engineering

What is a Data Structure?

Long time no see. I’ve been slacking on my blog as of late. I think my problem is a certain amount of perfectionism. I’m still working on my simulation project, Ravenna. Since the last post, I’ve mostly been working on a high-performance thread-safe computational solid geometry library for procedural generation to integrate into it. I wanted to wait until I was finished with that to make a post, but clearly I’ve let time drag on for far too long. With what little time is left in the cracks between work, chores, exercise, and personal life it’s been two years since my last post. There will be more on that library (which I call Carthage) in the not-too-distant future, but for the moment, I just wanted to type out some ideas I had in my head.

Author's profile picture Richard Belleville on software engineering

LAN Improvements

Hello there again. No, I didn’t go and forget about you all after a single post. I’ve just had a crazy last couple of months. Since the last time I posted, I interviewed with Google, got hired, and moved two timezones away to California. Talk about a busy period. But the project is still ongoing, and even has a name now: Ravenna.

Author's profile picture Richard Belleville on devlog

Simulation Continuous Deployment

Several months ago I got a new roommate. His TV was much bigger than mine, so there was no argument over putting his 70 inch 4K TV in the living room, replacing my puny 32 inch 720p TV. I retired my tiny TV to collect dust on a shelf in the back of my closet.

Author's profile picture Richard Belleville on devlog